Our values

Our values are based on honesty and mutual trust, on willingness to take initiative as well as on courage to take responsibility.

We believe in cooperation between people, we create and support new ideas. We will listen to people wiser than us, we will pass our knowledge on to others. We are politically and religiously unbiased, and we do not approve of narrow-minded and self-centred thinking.

Based on our vision for the future, we honour individuality and creativity. We support the quality education that meets the different needs and abilities, and we acknowledge that people achieve their goals in different ways in a free society.



Meie väärtused põhinevad aususel ja vastastikusel usaldusel, julgusel vastutada ning haarata initsiatiivi.

Oleme avatud koostööks, algatame ja toetame uusi ideid – meil on valmisolek teisi kuulata, teavitada ja selgitada. Taunime enesekeskset mõtlemist ning oleme poliitiliselt sõltumatud.

Omades visiooni sellest, kuhu me tahame jõuda, austame individuaalsust ja loovust. Toetame võimete ja vajadustekohast parimat haridust ning tunnustame, et vabad inimesed taotlevad oma eesmärke erineval viisil.


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